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September 27, 2024: District Update (user rate hearing follow up)

Hello Coolin Sewer Members:

On Wednesday, 9/25, the District held a public hearing on increasing user rates beyond 5%. Thank you to those who attended and gave feedback to the Board.

At the meeting, the Board reviewed two options provided by the District Engineers. The first option was a 3-year phase approach to get rates up to the appropriate amount. For 3 years the rates would increase by 25% annually. The second option was a 5-year phase approach. For 5 years the rates would increase by 15% annually.

Ultimately, the Board voted to approve the 3-year option, which will increase rates by 25% annually for the next 3 years. The first increase will take effect on March 1, 2025.

This is merely an update to let you know what happened at the public hearing and what the Board voted on. We intend to post a more detailed letter, with the pertinent information soon. If you haven't read through the Wastewater User Rate Study - Tech Memo 3.15.24, that document gives a good background on what was factored to get these numbers. Page 62 of the document is an asset list, which breaks down the cost and life expectancy of each item.

This has nothing to do with expansion, developments, or any other rumors going around. These increases are solely for the purpose of updating the current infrastructure of the District.