To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

What are the current user fees?

$75 a month, per Equivalent Residence (ER/ERU), billed quarterly. 

When are my user fees due?

Within 90 days of your statement date. 

What is the current connection fee?


Do you offer vacation mode/off season rates?

No - the system is available year around. Monthly user fees pay for continual system maintenance and operational expenses. 

Is the moratorium still in effect?

Yes, the moratorium was initially considered and approved on October 5, 2021. On January 28, 2022 a public hearing was held and Resolution 21-01 was adopted. 

Sign up for News and ALERTS to received accurate information and updates regarding the moratorium. 

I have a building location permit (BLP) that needs signed off by the District, how do I get this taken care of?

All BLP sign-offs require Board approval. Email Jordan to get on the next regular meeting agenda.

Needed Documents:

  • site plan, please include number of bedrooms, bathrooms and square feet of structure
  • completed sign off form
  • copy of Bonner County Permit Application

*Due to the moratorium we need to confirm that an LID is existing if a sewer connection is being requested.